Great People
Great Leaders

Transition is our Industry’s Greatest Chance!

How do we motivate the best talents to make our industry ready for the future?

I am convinced that the industry offers great opportunities for talents to make a difference - to our society, professionally and personally.

Here, great people have been solving topics of relevance and have been shaping the self-perception of many. Same time, our actual challenges like generation differences, ageing of population, digitalisation, climate, energy crisis etc. require skills, views and an intuition we much more find among our younger performers. So, it is essential that all working generations contribute and grow together. To make that happen, I think we have to live leadership and collaboration differently.

This is the expertise I offer. I support leaders in new assignments and strategic projects in driving the change, and I support organisations in inter-generational collaboration and making transitions successful. 

Outgrow your Personal Transition!

Transitions happen by a new leadership assignment, a strategic project or an extension of scope. Either way, the New Leader not only re-settles professionally, but also as a person and in private. Far too many burn-outs underline: In our industry and especially in operations we will not necessarily find the best setup for a New Leader to handle the stress, prioritise the important, lead, deliver and develop. That’s exactly what my coaching will help you do. You will learn how to consciously manage a transition, intuitively prioritise what matters, generate high-performing coalitions and also grow as a person. 

Become a Leader that People Trust, Follow and Support 

Do you want to stand-out by your personal example, by your team’s morale and results?

My Offering:

Let us co-create a tailor-made development plan for your leadership capabilities! To make you as effective as possible, I combine my concrete and research-backed approaches with my practical leadership experience. Same time, with my LEADER’S-PERSONAL-RESOURCES coaching, we will make sure you maintain in your mid. Together, we will find solutions that are adequate, meaningful and that fit your individual ambition. 

What will be different?

  • You will learn to see your full potential and strive to live it

    You will more and more become a highly effective person, which positively impacts everyone around. You will be able to:

    • (Self)-Develop your character and competence for the good

    • Activate all personal resources to make you master change and challenges

    • Embrace your personal purpose and align it with your professional situation

  • You will create engagement and momentum in and beyond your team

    You will bring principles in place that make people aspire, care and perform. You will be able to:

    • Create a joint aspiration, shared purpose and convincing strategy

    • Align your team and empower them to give their best

    • Establish trust, inclusion and innovation

  • You will let your team continuously deliver outstanding results

    You will set conditions that constantly enhance performance and development. You will be able to:

    • Build execution capability and culture within and beyond your area of responsibility

    • Coach others to solve problems, to innovate, perform and grow

    • Anticipate and manage change to explore new opportunities

It All Starts with a Talk

Book a free, non binding 15 minutes call or feel free to ask any questions here!